The third Italian level takes place in the walled gardens of Vatican city. As the Scotsmen descend from the sky, the Vatican panics at the possibility that the Scotsmen might discover their darkest secrets. So they send out an army of nuns, backed by hired mafia gangsters (more on these enemies later).
While the gardens may at first appear quite open, the player's starting position is actually quite defensible. The fenced cemetery to the left of the starting position has only a narrow gate through which enemies can access the haggis factory. One oat field is inside the cemetery, tempting the player to enter it, where they will be more easily accessed by the enemy. To the front of the starting location is a hedge labyrinth, containing one oat field, also providing a good choke point. To the right is a retaining wall from which the player can take long shots at approaching enemies.
In the north-west corner of the map is a pond, with a waterfall. The positions to either side of the waterfall are perfect for enemies to snipe any farmers on the nearby oat field, making it the most difficult farm to hold. And to the North-east is a forest from which enemies emerge. This area is quite open, making it difficult to defend.
Now, to the new enemies introduced in this level.
The nun is the weakest enemy in the game. However, they are also by far the cheapest, enabling the enemy to quickly swarm you with huge numbers of them. They are slow, and their attack (hitting with a ruler) does little damage. Like any melee enemy though, they can still take out unguarded towers with ease, so they can't be fully ignored.
The mafia is the first gun wielding enemy the player will encounter. They carry a pistol that fires fairly rapidly, but requires reloading every 6 shots. They are slow moving (being sneaky and all) and have mediocre accuracy. Their guns do outrange a Scotsman's porridge throw, so they can be dangerous if you don't have any longer range towers. Like all gun units, they are poor against units in cover, since they don't have a firing trajectory that can arc over cover objects. They make up for this with their high attack strength, making them deadly against uncovered Scotsmen, and any towers that don't provide cover, such as the fondue hose.